Waupaca County ARES
Amateur Radio Emergency Communications
Check Out the new ARRL Wisconsin Section Below:
Wisconsin ARES Nets
Badger Weather Net
Time (local) 0600-0715
Frequency or Linked System
3.984 MHz and WECOMM
Daily Net
Badger Emergency Net
Time (local) 1200-1230
Frequency or Linked System
3.985 MHz / 7.268 MHz
Daily Net
Wisconsin Side Band Net
Time (local) 1700-1730
Frequency or Linked System
3.985 MHz
Daily Net
WI ARES Winlink Net
Time (local) 1800-1800
Frequency or Linked System
Monday 1800 - Tuesday 1800
Wisconsin ARES/RACES
HF Net
Time (local) 0800-0900
Frequency or Linked System
3.967 MHz
Sunday Morning Net
Statewide VHF Net
Time (local) 1900-2000
Frequency or Linked System
Fourth Thursday
The above Wisconsin ARES Nets information was provided in the Wisconsin ARES/RACES East Central District Bulletin published for March/April 2023.
Please check-in to these nets whenever you can!
Waupaca D Star Repeater
There will be a new Waupaca DSTAR Repeater installed on Thursday December 21, 2023, if there are no problems.
The frequency is 444.675 and the call sign will be KD9GXT.
It will be linked automatically to Wisconsin REF 019B, although you can un-link and connect to other Reflectors as you wish.
When you are done it will auto link back to REF 019B.
Brown/Kewaunee Co ARES
147.120 + PL 107.2
This net is held on Tuesday at 1900 Time (local).
Dodge Co ARES
146.640 - PL 123.0
This net is held on Monday at 1930 Time (local).
Fond du Lac ARES
145.430 - PL 97.4
This net is held on the 2nd and 4th Sundays at 1900 Time (local).
Calumet Co ARES Net
147.300 + PL 107.2
This net is held on Sunday at 2000 Time (local).
Door Co ARES
146.730 + PL 107.2
This net is held on Sunday at 1930 Time (local).
Green Lake Co ARES
146.95 - PL 123.0
This net is held on Sunday at 2000 Time (local).
Manitowoc Co ARES
146.895 - PL 146.2
This net is held on Tuesday at 1900 Time (local).
Portage Co ARES
146.670 - PL 114.8
This net is held on Thursday at 2000 Time (local).
Waushara Co ARES
147.285 + PL 123.0
This net is held on Tuesday at 2000 Time (local). {Except the 2nd Tuesday of Each Month when we have monthly meetings}
Wood Co (WI Rapids) ARES
146.790 - PL 114.8
This net is held on Monday at 1900 Time (local).
Outagamie Co ARES
146.655 - PL 100.00
This net is held on Sunday at 2000 Time (local).
Waupaca Co ARES
146.925 - PL 118.8
This net is held on Sunday at 2000 Time (local).
Winnebago Co ARES
147.240 + PL 100.0
This net is held at on Sunday at 1900 Time (local).
The above Associated Neighboring Nets information was provided in the Wisconsin ARES/RACES East Central District Bulletin published for March/April 2023.
For other Wisconsin Nets, please visit: repeaterbook.com
Please check-in to these nets whenever you can!